
Hello and welcome.

I wanted to introduce myself and explain why (and give credit for) my blog title. I am Jenica and I read an excessive amount in my spare time. And so I decided it was past time for me to make a blog. This is largely a project I created for myself because as great and wonderful as Goodreads is, I’m really bad at remembering to go back and write down my thoughts.

Anyway, this blog is largely going to be a place where I can rave about the books I loved, sometimes rant about the books I really didn’t love, and perhaps, sometimes, a few other things.

What I Read

I have a tendency to pretend like I’m going to read a diverse amount of genres, but in truth, I mostly read romance novels. A list of my favorite authors would be long and ridiculous, but here’s my best shot at keeping this list concise:

  • Nalini Singh
  • Alyssa Cole
  • Alisha Rai
  • Courtney Milan
  • Sarah MacLean
  • Tessa Dare

Why Firewhiskey Reader?

So, that series that must not be named because the author is a raging TERF, exposed me to this incredible world of fan fiction because I was (am, really) obsessed with the series. Long story short, after spending several excruciatingly long years not reading fan fiction because of the obnoxiously bad reputation it earned, I finally remembered that I’m a grown woman who can read what I want. And, oh boy, am I thankful for that realization because let me introduce you to the masterpiece epic that ruined me in the best way: The Debt of Time by Shayalonnie. I’ve re-read this fic at least three times, I think? It’s amazing.

Anyway, so terrible author invented firewhiskey and tragically, her series remains one of my favorite series of all time. Then Shayalonnie wrote The Debt of Time, in which Sirius thinks the line, “She tastes how firewhiskey felt,” more than once and it’s heart-meltingly perfect for the story. So when I was thinking of blog names, I settled on Firewhiskey Reader.