Reviewing 2024 Releases: ARC Reviews of Just Some Stupid Love Story, Rules for Second Chances, and The Best of All

This set of three ARCs I was lucky enough to get from Netgalley include a book that I really think will be a favorite of the year and two books that I really enjoyed. So we have Just Some Stupid Love Song by Katelyn Doyle (who is actually Scarlett Peckham), which came out on June 4, 2024, Rules for Second Chances by Maggie North, a debut, which comes out on June 25, 2024, and The Best of All by Karla Sorensen, which comes out in July. So, in shocking news, these are actually like… timely reviews? I’d say I’m impressed with myself except for HOW behind I am despite these three. Anyway, let’s talk about these three books!

ARC Reviews for 2024 Releases: Covers of Just Some Stupid Love Story by Katelyn Doyle, Rules for Second Chances by Maggie North, and The Best of All by Karla Sorensen

Just Some Stupid Love Story
by Katelyn Doyle

I would be shocked if this book doesn’t wind up on my top 10 of the year because I truly loved this book. I got the audio from Netgalley and it was like, from the moment I hit play, I was invested. This book is a bit unique in the way it’s told, in that it covers five years of time from beginning to end and its only a little more than 300 pages. The way Doyle handles the time jumps kept the pacing really engaging, without compromising those slower moments where you really get to know the characters. And, given the plot of this book, getting to know these characters is vital to the success of the book.

Essentially, Molly and Seth dated in high school and they were very much in love. Molly broke up with him before they went off to college and it affected both of them pretty significantly. They are now back in their home town for their fifteen year high school reunion and during the reunion, they wind up making a bet about who knows more about love, him or her, by guessing the outcome of five couples for five years from now. Also important to note, Molly is a script writer for rom coms living in LA and Seth is a very successful divorce attorney in Chicago.

So essentially we follow both of them throughout five years and obviously (it’s a romance novel) they do wind up interacting during those five years. They’re also, though, working through some things on their own. If you aren’t a big fan of personal journeys, of seeing characters with other people than the love interest during a romance, or of characters navigating some toxic family issues, this may not be for you. But for me, the way these characters grow on page was incredibly moving and I wound up really loving this book. Like, five stars, favorite of the year, loved this book. If you read it, please come share with me your feelings!!

Rules for Second Chances
by Maggie North

It’s been a little more than a week since I finished reading Rules for Second Chances and the further from it I get, the more I feel fondly toward it, but in the moment of reading the book, there were times where I just wanted to scream at the characters. Essentially, this book is a marriage in trouble story where Liz feels like she has truly become a background character in not only her life, but in her marriage. The sex is great, but she doesn’t feel like her husband, Tobin, or the other people in her life really see her. So on the night of her birthday party, where she’s mistaken for staff, she decides it’s time to go. Only Tobin is not ready to give up on their marriage. Liz also has a lot going on in her work life and that’s a large part of what this book focuses on, in that, based on some comments her boss makes, she winds up joining an improv comedy class and that sets the stage for a lot of fun shenanigans with Tobin as well.

What I really enjoyed about this book was how Liz got to learn about herself and watching her and Tobin take steps back toward one another. I also loved how she slowly starts to realize that maybe she is autistic. My frustration with this book is that both Tobin and Liz have kept so much bottled up for so long and they forgot how to communicate, but honestly, it’s almost like they never knew how to do so because we don’t see them falling in love really. I think a failure to communicate is 100% realistic for the breakdown of a marriage, but it can get really aggravating to read. That said, I listened to this book (thanks again, Netgalley for the audio review copy) and I never got so aggravated, I had to turn it off, so that’s something! I really enjoyed listening to it and I will definitely read more from Maggie North in the future.

The Best of All by Karla Sorensen

There is something about Karla Sorensen’s writing that generally works for me and that stood true for The Best of All. In this case, The Best of All is basically a book form of Life as We Know It, which is one of my favorite movies, so I was already pre-disposed to like this book. Plus, in case I haven’t said it enough, I am still in my single parent romance book era. I’m obsessed with the trope and cannot quit reading books with it right now.

Essentially, Zoe Valentine and Liam Davies do not like one another (well, technically that’s complicated, but that’s how it appears), but they are the godparents of Mira due to their best friend status with Mira’s mom and dad, respectively. Mira’s parents tragically die and they leave Mira to Zoe and Liam to raise. Except, again, Zoe and Liam do not like one another. The way this book manages to provide so much character depth for both Zoe and Liam is pretty incredible. They feel real in so many ways, which is why I don’t understand why this book wasn’t a knock it out of the park read for me. Don’t get me wrong, I really liked it, but there’s something about it that just didn’t quite hit. Here’s hoping it was a case of reading the right book at the wrong time and I’ll circle back to it again one day. But nevertheless, I love Sorensen’s writing and I would definitely encourage you to pick this one up!

Closing Thoughts

Have you had the opportunity to read any of these books yet? If so, what did you think? If not, are you interested? Let me know!


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